KINDLE applications
NOOK applications

Singapore Noir, ed. Cheryl Lu‑lien Tan
"KENA SAI,", pp 109‑122
ISBN: 978-1617752353; Trade pbk; Akashic Books (June 3, 2014)
ISBN: 978-1617752810; Nook eBook; Akashic Books 3 MB (May 12, 2014)
ASIN: B00HK47P98; Kindle; Akashic Books 3012 KB (May 12, 2014)
"On Monday afternoon the old man with the erhu was at the corner..."
• 2013 •
USA Noir: Best of the Akashic Noir Series, ed. Johnny Temple
"LIGHTHOUSE", pp 379‑392 ( orig pub: Staten Island Noir, ed. Smith, Akashic 2012 )
ISBN: 978-1617751899; Hardcover; Akashic Books (Nov 2013)
ISBN: 978-1617751844; Trade pbk; Akashic Books (Nov 2013)
ASIN: B00HV4UDZ0; Audio, unabridged; Audible 22:50 (Jan 2014)
ISBN: 978-1617751998; Nook eBook; Akashic Books 5 MB (Oct 2013)
ASIN: B00FMZNV5E; Kindle; Akashic Books 8987 KB (Oct 2013)
Mondays Are Murder: Akashic Books website, posted: May 6, 2013.
"Tuguldur didn’t like the city. His father had never come, nor his father’s father. Nothing called them...."
• 2012 •
New York City Noir: The Five Borough Collection
"BUILDING" (Harlem), pp 338‑347 ( orig pub:
Manhattan Noir, ed. Block, 2006 )
"HOTHOUSE" (Botanical Garden), pp 471‑478 ( orig pub: Bronx Noir, ed. Rozan, 2007 )
"LIGHTHOUSE" (St. George), pp 912‑922 ( orig pub: Staten Island Noir, ed. Smith, 2012 )
ISBN: 978-1-61775-185-1; Hardcover, limited to 50; Akashic (Dec 2012)
Ride 2: More short fiction about bicycles, ed. Keith Snyder
"ESCAPE VELOCITY", first story in book
ISBN: 978-0983551553; Trade pbk; Typeflow (Jan 2013)
ASIN: B00AKXVL9G; Kindle; Typeflow 881 KB (Dec 2012)
BNID: 2940015718218; Nook; Typeflow 4 MB (Dec 2012)
"Caterina sits on her bike like no other. Sturdy and straight-backed, thick black curls bouncing..."
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine,
December 2012, Vol.140 No.6
"GOLDEN CHANCE", pp 2‑17
"'Ah, my friend.' Mustafa Sadiq smiled beneath his thick moustache as the..."
Staten Island Noir, ed. Patricia Smith
"LIGHTHOUSE", pp 233‑252
ISBN: 978-1617751295; Trade pbk; Akashic Books (Nov 2012)
ISBN: 978-1617751462; Nook eBook; Akashic Books 383 KB (Nov 2012)
ASIN: B009NH6L5O; Kindle; Akashic Books 446 KB (Nov 2012)
"It sucked to be him..."
The Green Hornet: Still At Large!, ed. Joe Gentile, Win Scott Eckert & Matthew Baugh
"HERO", pp 1‑13
ISBN: 978-1936814305; Hardcover; Moonstone (Aug 2012)
ISBN: 978-1936814299; Trade pbk; Moonstone (Aug 2012)
ASIN: B009S978U4; Kindle; Moonstone 1049 KB (Oct 2012)
BNID: 2940015488982; Nook; Moonstone 2 MB (Oct 2012)
"Miss Hong Kong's been kidnapped."
"A TALE ABOUT A TIGER" ( orig audio: Sounds Like Murder, Vol VI, 1998 )
Kindle; SJ Rozan, 135 KB (May 2012)
"BIRDS OF PARADISE" ( orig pub: AHMM, 1994 )
ASIN: B0081KZY48;
Kindle; SJ Rozan, 83 KB (May 2012)
"HUNTING FOR DOYLE" ( orig pub: EQMM, 1999 )
Kindle; SJ Rozan, 75 KB (April 2012)
"PROSPERITY RESTAURANT" ( orig pub: 4th Woman Sleuth Anth, ed. Zahava, Crossing Press 1991 )
Smashwords 148750; e-book; SJ Rozan; multiple formats : 9184 words (April 2012)
Kindle; SJ Rozan, 114 KB (April 2012)
"COOKING THE HOUNDS" ( orig pub: Canine Crimes, ed. Marks, Ballantine Books 1998 )
Smashwords 145243; e-book; SJ Rozan; multiple formats : 3060 words (March 2012)
Kindle; SJ Rozan, 79 KB (March 2012)
BNID: 2940033120918 ;
Nook; SJ Rozan, via Smashwords, 71 KB (March 2012)
Scoundrels: Tales of Greed, Murder and Financial Crimes, ed. Gary Phillips
"OCCUPY THIS!", pp 85‑94
ISBN: 978-1937495220; Trade pbk; Down & Out (March 2012)
ISBN: 978-1937495237; eBook; Down & Out books (March 2012)
ASIN: B007M18H2S; Kindle; Down & Out books 474 KB (March 2012)
"Fucking drums were going to kill him. Drum circle, what is that ..."
"BODY ENGLISH" ( orig pub: AHMM, Dec 1992 )
Smashwords 139318; e-book; SJ Rozan; multiple formats : 7239 words (March 2012)
Kindle; SJ Rozan, 99 KB (March 2012)
"HEARTBREAK" ( orig pub: PI Magazine, Winter 1990 )
Smashwords 134684; e-book; SJ Rozan; multiple formats : 6750 words (Feb 20, 2012)
Kindle; SJ Rozan, 111 KB (Feb 2012)
BNID: 2940033067428;
Nook; SJ Rozan, via Smashwords, 97 KB (Feb 2012)
This was Ms. Rozan's first published story.
• 2011 •
New Jersey Noir, ed. Joyce Carol Oates
"NEW DAY NEWARK", pp 61‑75
ISBN: 978-1617750342; Hardcover; Akashic Books (Nov 2011)
ISBN: 978-1617750267; Trade pbk; Akashic Books (Nov 2011)
ASIN: B005GXM5FE; Kindle; Akashic Books, 739 KB
"A new day was coming to Newark. The boy had actually got himself elected mayor..."
A Study in Sherlock: Stories Inspired by the Holmes Canon, ed. Laurie R. King & Leslie S. Klinger
(see The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Man with the Twisted Lip for background)
ISBN: 978-1590585498; Hardcover; Poisoned Pen Press (Oct 2011)
ISBN: 978-0812982466; Trade pbk; Bantam (Oct 2011)
ASIN: B004LROX9C; Kindle; Bantam, xxx KB (Oct 2011)
ISBN: 978-0812982473; Nook; Bantam, xxx KB (Oct 2011)
""The Lascar," said Chan Ho, cradling his delicate porcelain teacup in his hands, "is a dangerous man."..."
"...Perhaps the highlight is ... a particularly clever alternate take on a canonical Holmes story...." –
Publishers Weekly, starred review
The Best American Mystery Stories 2011, ed. Harlan Coben & Otto Penzler
"CHIN YONG-YUN TAKES A CASE", pp 369‑382 ( orig pub: Damn Near Dead II, ed. Crider, Busted Flush 2010 )
ISBN: 978-0547553962; Trade pbk; Mariner Books (Oct 2011)
ASIN: B005GLXUZU; Kindle; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 723 KB (Oct 2011)
ISBN: 978-0547678443; Nook; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 457 KB (Oct 2011)
"...a beautifully crafted and satisfying tale of amateur detection..." –
Publishers Weekly, starred review
"CHIN YONG-YUN TAKES A CASE" ( orig pub: Damn Near Dead II, ed. Crider, Busted Flush 2010 )
Smashwords 90294; e-book; SJ Rozan; multiple formats : 5366 words (Sept 19 2011‑free download through Oct 2011)
Kindle; SJ Rozan, 30 KB (Dec 2011)
BNID: 2940011526763;
Nook; SJ Rozan, via Smashwords, 92 KB (Sept 2011)
"SEEING THE MOON" ( orig pub: On a Raven's Wing, ed. Kaminsky, Harper 2009 )
Kindle; SJ Rozan, 104 KB (Sept 2011)
Home Improvement: Undead Edition - All-new tales of hauned home repair and surreal estates, ed. Charlaine Harris & Toni L.P. Kelner
"THE PATH", pp 211‑236
ISBN: 978-0441020355; Hardcover; ACE (Aug 2011)
ISBN: 978-1455820740; CD, unabridged; Brilliance Audio, 14:13 hr (Aug 2011)
ISBN: 978-1455820757; Library Ed CD, unabridged; Brilliance Audio, 14:13 hr (Aug 2011)
ISBN: 978-1455820764; MP3 CD, unabridged; Brilliance Audio (Aug 2011)
ISBN: 978-1455820771; Library Ed MP3 CD, unabridged; Brilliance Audio (Aug 2011)
ISBN: 978-0061726590; Audio, unabridged; Audible (Aug 2011)
ASIN: B004LRPJ6S; Kindle; ACE, 549 KB (Aug 2011)
ISBN: 978-1101517307; Nook; Penguin, 376 KB (Aug 2011)
" "The Trent Museum," I sighed to my friend, the Spirit of the South Mountain, "refuses to return my head." ..."
Mystery Writers of America Presents: The Rich and the Dead, ed. Nelson DeMille
"ITERATIONS", pp 295‑308
ISBN: 978-0446555876; Hardcover; Grand Central Pub (May 2011)
ISBN: 978-0446555883; Trade pbk; Grand Central Pub (May 2011)
ISBN: 978-1455818778; CD, unabridged; Brilliance Audio, 12:25 hr (May 2011)
ISBN: 978-1455818785; Library Ed CD, unabridged; Brilliance Audio, 12:25 hr (May 2011)
ISBN: 978-1455818792; MP3 CD, unabridged; Brilliance Audio (May 2011)
ASIN: B004YUF8A4; Audio, unabridged; Audible 12:25 hr (May 2011)
ASIN: B0047Y0F1E; Kindle; Grand Central Pub, 617 KB (May 2011)
ISBN: 978-0446574891; Nook; Grand Central, 842 KB (May 2011)
ISBN: 978-0446574891; eBook; Adobe, etc., Grand Central Pub; 752 KB (May 2011)
"The morning sun squeezed in the window and poked him in the eye..."
Building and Other Stories (collected short stories)
"BUILDING", location 41‑305 ( orig pub:
Manhattan Noir, ed. Block, Akashic 2006 )
(nominated for the 2007 Best Short Story
Edgar® Award)
"NIGHT COURT", loc 326‑410 ( orig pub: The Prosecution Rests, ed. Fairstein, Little, Brown 2009 )
"GOING HOME", loc 422‑478 ( orig pub:
The Mysterious North, ed. Stabenow, Signet 2002 )
"SILVERFISH", loc 508‑743 ( orig pub:
EQMM, Mar/Apr 2009 )
"SEEING THE MOON", loc 752‑1120 ( orig pub: On a Raven's Wing, ed. Kaminsky, Harper 2009 )
"I SEEN THAT", loc 1154‑1179 ( orig pub:
Once Upon a Crime, ed. Bush & Everheart, Nodin Press 2009 )
(winner of the 2011 Literary Death Match,
Shanghai Ep.1)
"SUNSET", loc 1199‑1414 ( orig pub:
Hardboiled Brooklyn, ed. Coleman, Bleak House 2006 )
Typeflow 598 KB (Apr 2011)
BNID: 2940012467126;
Nook; Typeflow 519 KB (May 2011)
• 2010 •
Damn Near Dead 2, ed. Bill Crider
ISBN: 978-1935415404; Trade pbk; Busted Flush Press (Nov 2010)
"My daughter is a private eye. You see? It even sounds ridiculous..."
By Hook or By Crook and 27 More of the Best Crime + Mystery Stories of the Year, ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg
(By Hook or By Crook and 30 More of the Best Crime + Mystery Stories of the Year – initial covers had '30' on them: 3 authors listed on those covers are not included in pbk & Kindle books.)
"SEEING THE MOON", pp 151‑173 ( orig pub: On a Raven's Wing, ed. Kaminsky, Harper 2009 )
ISBN: 978-1935562313; Hardcover; Tyrus (Nov 2010)
ISBN: 978-1935562320; Trade pbk; Tyrus (Nov 2010)
ISBN: 978-1440531040; Kindle (ASIN: B005307MQ2); Adams Media, 914 KB, loc 2582‑2992 (June 2011)
Christmas at the Mysterious Bookshop, ed. Otto Penzler
"THE GRIFT OF THE MAGI", pp 111‑117 ( orig pub: Otto Penzler, Mysterious Bookshop 2000 )
ISBN: 978-1593156176; Hardcover; Vanguard (Oct 2010)
ISBN: 978-1593156770; Trade pbk; Vanguard (Oct 2011)
The Dark End of the Street: New Stories of Sex and Crime, ed. Jonathan Santlofer & S.J. Rozan
Audio from book's launch, Center for Fiction (Mercantile Library), recorded for WNYC's Talk to Me program. 39:20
"DAYBREAK", pp 247‑257
ISBN: 978-1596916838, Limited Edition Hardcover, Mysterious Press (2010)
ISBN: 978-1596916838; Trade pbk; Bloomsbury USA (May 2010)
ASIN: B003PJ616U; Kindle; Bloomsbury, 779 KB (May 2010)
ISBN: 978-1608193141; Nook; Bloomsbury, 686 KB (May 2010)
"On your knees!" The savage's words roared down with..."
• 2009 •
A Tale About a Tiger and Other Mysterious Events (collected short stories)
"FILM AT ELEVEN", pp 9‑41 ( orig pub: Deadly Allies II, ed. Randisi & Dunlap, Doubleday 1994 )
"HOOPS", pp 42‑74 ( orig pub: EQMM, 1996 )
"SEEING THE MOON", pp 75‑93 ( orig pub: On a Raven's Wing, ed. Kaminsky, Harper 2009 )
"PASSLINE", pp 94‑108 ( orig pub: Murder in Vegas, ed. Connelly, Forge Books 2005 )
"NIGHT COURT", pp 109‑114 ( orig pub: The Prosecution Rests, ed. Fairstein, Little, Brown 2009 )
"SUBWAY", pp 115‑143 ( orig pub: Vengeance Is Hers, ed. Spillane & Collins, Signet 1997 )
"A TALE ABOUT A TIGER", pp 144‑186 ( orig audio: Sounds Like Murder, Vol VI, 1998 )
"CHILDHOOD", pp 187‑213 ( orig available online: MightyWords 2000 )
"DOUBLE-CROSSING DELANCEY", pp 214‑240 ( orig pub: Mystery Street, ed. Randisi, Signet 2001 )
ISBN: 978-1-932009-89-7; Hardcover, limited to 225; Crippen & Landru (Oct 2009)
with separate pamphlet: The Private Eye: An American Hero
ISBN: 978-1-932009-90-3; Trade pbk; Crippen & Landru (Oct 2009)
Once Upon a Crime: An Anthology of Murder, Mayhem and Suspense, ed. Gary R. Bush & Chris Everheart
"I SEEN THAT", pp 243‑245
ISBN: 978-1-932472-85-1; Trade pbk; Nodin Press (Aug 2009)
"Hey, Frank, my man. Yeah, a Bud. No, you can't interest me in a freakin' micorbrew..."
Two of the Deadliest: New Tales of Lust, Greed, and Murder, ed. Elizabeth George
"COLD, HARD FACTS", pp 313‑325
ISBN: 978-0061350337; Hardcover; Harper (July 2009)
ISBN: 978-0061720154; Large Print; HarperLuxe (July 2009)
ISBN: 978-0061350344; Trade pbk; Harper (July 2009)
ISBN: 978-0061726590; CD, unabridged; HarperAudio (July 2009)
ISBN: 978-0061726583; Digital, unabridged; Audible (July 2009)
ASIN: B002FQOI50; Kindle; HarperCollins, 647 KB (July 2009)
ISBN: 978-0061893803; Nook; HarperCollins, 459 KB (July 2009)
ISBN: 978-0061893797; Sony,eReader,PDF; HarperCollins e-books (July 2009)
"Hey, Danny. Good to see you man. Thanks for coming..."
MWA Presents The Prosecution Rests: New Stories about Courtrooms, Criminals, and the Law, ed. Linda Fairstein
"NIGHT COURT", pp 326‑332
ISBN: 978-0316012522; Hardcover; Little, Brown (April 2009)
ISBN: 978-0316012676; Trade pbk; Back Bay Books (April 2009)
ISBN: 978-1400111893; Audio CD; unabridged; Tantor Media, 14:30 hr (April 2009)
ISBN: 978-1400141890; Lib Ed CD; unabridged; Tantor Media (April 2009)
ISBN: 978-1400161898; MP3 CD; unabridged; Tantor Media (April 2009)
ASIN: B0023SDR0C; Kindle; Little Brown, 570 KB (April 2009)
ISBN: 978-0316053334; Nook; Little Brown, 542 KB (April 2009)
ISBN: 978-0316053334; ebook; Hachette, 818 KB (April 2009)
"It had been a hell of a long time since they'd held night court here..."
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine,
March/April 2009, Vol.133 Nos.3&4
"SILVERFISH", pp 76‑83
"What kind of a fish is that, anyway?..."
On a Raven's Wing: New Tales in Honor of Edgar Allan Poe, ed. Stuart Kaminsky
"SEEING THE MOON", pp 303‑327
ISBN: 978-0061690426; Trade pbk; Harper (Jan 2009)
ASIN: B001P9O362; Kindle; HarperCollins, 338 KB (Oct 2009)
ISBN: 9780061984648; Nook; HarperCollins, 502 KB (Oct 2009)
"I'd never even considered trying to take down Peter Boyd..."
• 2008 •
The Best American Mystery Stories 2008, ed. George Pelecanos & Otto Penzler
"HOTHOUSE", pp 333‑343 ( orig pub: Bronx Noir, ed. Rozan, Akashic 2007 )
ISBN: 978-0618812660; Hardcover; Houghton Mifflin (Oct 2008)
ISBN: 978-0618812677; Trade pbk; Houghton Mifflin (Oct 2008)
• 2007 •
A Hell of a Woman: An Anthology of Female Noir, ed. Megan Abbott
"UNDOCUMENTED", pp 288‑298
ISBN: 978-0-9792709-9-4; Hardcover; Busted Flush Press (Dec 2007)
ISBN: 978-0-9767157-3-3; Trade pbk; Busted Flush Press (Dec 2007)
"None of the snakehead's men could say with certainty that Wei An‑Lin was behind the women's revolt..."
Bronx Noir, ed. S.J. Rozan
"HOTHOUSE", pp 177‑190
ISBN: 978-1933354255; Trade pbk; Akashic Books (August 2007)
ASIN: B0039WVZMI; Kindle; Akashic Books, 634 KB
ISBN: 978-1936070220; Nook; Akashic Books, 1060 KB (Dec 2009)
"A week on the lam..."
• 2006 •
Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine Presents Fifty Years of Crime and Suspense, ed. Linda Landrigan
"BODY ENGLISH", pp 331‑350 ( orig pub: AHMM, Dec 1992 )
ISBN: 1933648031; Trade pbk (gray cover); Pegasus Books (June 2006)
ISBN: 0760791244; Hardcover; Sterling Pub (June 2007)
ISBN: 978-1605982700; Trade pbk (red cover); Pegasus Books (Dec 2011)
Hardboiled Brooklyn, ed. Reed Farrel Coleman (dedication: For Ellen, SJ, and Ken)
"SUNSET", pp 85‑96
ISBN: 1932557172; Trade pbk; Bleak House Books (May 2006)
"That night, Lucas Chen was losing..."
Deadly Housewives, ed. Christine Matthews
"THE NEXT NICE DAY", pp 199‑205, plus Afterword
ISBN: 0060853271; Trade pbk; Avon (April 2006)
ISBN: 1597771287; Audio CD; Phoenix Audio unabridged (Aug 2006)
ISBN: 1597771171; Audio CD; Phoenix Audio abridged (Sept 2006)
BN ID: 2000003464890; MP3 download; Phoenix Books unabridged 6:01 hr, 166 MB (Febnbsp;2007)
BN ID: 2000003453467; MP3 download; Phoenix Books abridged 1:01 hr, 28 MB (Feb 2007)
ASIN: B000GCFBXI; Kindle, HarperCollins e-books 268 KB (April 2006)
ISBN: 978-0061743078; Nook, HarperCollins Pub 493 KB (March 2009)
"Doris opened an eye, looked at the clock, and sighed..."
Manhattan Noir, ed. Lawrence Block
"BUILDING" (Harlem), pp 196‑212
ISBN: 1888451955; Trade pbk; Akashic Books (April 2006)
ASIN: B001UE7OC2; Kindle; Akashic Books, 1620 KB (April 2006)
ISBN: 978-1936070374; Nook; Akashic Books, 868 KB (Dec 2009)
"Wouldn't none of it have happened, hadn't the Landry boy took to calling him "sir"..."
Murder at the Foul Line: Original Tales of Hoop Dreams and Deaths from Today's Great Writers, ed. Otto Penzler
"SHOTS", pp 264‑306
ISBN: 0892960167; Hardcover; Mysterious Press (Jan 2006)
ISBN: 0446696315; Trade pbk; Mysterious Press (Jan 2006)
ISBN: 978-1441880185; Audio CD; Brilliance Audio unabridged, 11:04 hr (Sept 2010)
ISBN: 978-1441880192; Lib Ed CD; Brilliance Audio unabridged (Sept 2010)
ISBN: 978-1441880208; MP3 CD; Brilliance Audio unabridged, 10:58 hr (Sept 2010)
ISBN: 978-1441880215; Lib Ed MP3 CD; Brilliance Audio unabridged (Sept 2010)
ASIN: B002SRL3SQ; Kindle; Mysterious Press, 472 KB (Oct 2009)
ISBN: 978-0446569538; Nook; Grand Central, 743 KB (Oct 2009)
"I'd been following the Knicks all season, but I didn't see Damon Rome's last game..."
• 2005 •
Murder in Vegas: New Crime Tales of Gambling and Desperation, ed. Michael Connelly
"PASSLINE", pp 19‑30
ISBN: 0765307391; Hardcover; Forge Books (Feb 2005)
ISBN: 0765307405; Trade pbk; Forge Books (Feb 2005)
ISBN: 0765353652; Mass Market pbk; Forge Books (April 2006)
ISBN: 978-1441836960; Audio CD; Brilliance Audio unabridged, 14:48 hr (June 2010)
ASIN: B004RGYSRE; Kindle; Forge Books, 631 KB (April 2007)
ISBN: 978-1429911085; Nook; Tom Doherty Assoc., 396 KB (April 2007)
"Oh yes, he'd always hated Vegas..."
Dangerous Women, ed. Otto Penzler
"THE LAST KISS", pp 281‑290
ISBN: 0892960043; Hardcover; Mysterious Press (Jan 2005)
ISBN: 044669584X; Trade pbk; Mysterious Press (Jan 2005)
ISBN: 0446614572; Mass Market pbk; Warner Books (Jan 2005)
ISBN: 140010145X; Audio CD; Tantor Media unabridged, 12 hr (Jan 2005)
ISBN: 1400131456; Lib Ed CD; Tantor Media unabridged, 12 hr (Jan 2005)
ISBN: 1400151457; MP3 CD; Tantor Media unabridged (Jan 2005)
ISBN: 1400171458; MP3 download; Tantor Media unabridged, 305 MB (Aug 2008)
ASIN: B001D4W94C; Kindle, Mysterious Press, 437 KB (January 2005)
ISBN: 978-0446507196; Nook; Grand Central, 287 KB (July 2007)
Audio download (11 hr, 5 min) available from audible.com
"Washing her blood off his hands (sticky and clinging, then hot and slippery, red trails swirling, pink clouds rushing away), he thought of their first kiss...."
• 2004 •
Wild Crimes, ed. Dana Stabenow
"BIRDS OF PARADISE", pp 179‑197 ( orig pub: AHMM, Mid-Dec 1994 )
ISBN: 045121286X; Mass Market pbk; Signet (Sept 2004)
The Longman Anthology of Detective Fiction, ed. Deane Mansfield-Kelley & Lois A. Marchino
"GOING HOME", pp 332‑335 ( orig pub: The Mysterious North, ed. Stabenow, Signet 2002 )
ISBN: 0321195019; Trade pbk; Longman Publishing (July 2004)
Death by Pen: The Longman Anthology of Detective Fiction from Poe to Paretzsky, ed. Mansfield-Kelley & Marchino
ISBN: 0205518494; Trade pbk; Longman Publishing (May 2007)
• 2002 •
The Mysterious North, ed. Dana Stabenow
"GOING HOME", pp 169‑175
ISBN: 0451207424; Mass Market pbk; Signet (Oct 2002)
ISBN: 9780786540..; eBook; (..211 pdf, ..204 MS, ..228 palm available)
ASIN: B000OCXGAU; Kindle, Signet 379 KB (Mar 2007)
"Setting, the sun lays down a golden path across the snow and the water..."
The World's Finest Mystery and Crime Stories; Third Annual Collection,
ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg
"DOUBLE‑CROSSING DELANCEY", pp 61‑82 ( orig pub: Mystery Street, ed. Randisi, Signet 2001 )
ISBN: 0765302349; Hardcover; Forge Books (Oct 2002)
ISBN: 0765302357; Trade pbk; Forge Books (Oct 2002)
• 2001 •
Mystery Street (The Private Eye Writers of America Presents), ed. Robert J. Randisi
ISBN: 0451204360; Mass Market pbk; Signet (Oct 2001)
"I never trusted Joe Delancey, and I never wanted to get involved with him, and I wouldn't have except, like most people where Joe's concerned, I was drawn into something irresistible..."
The World's Finest Mystery & Crime Stories; Second Annual Collection, ed. Ed Gorman
"CHILDHOOD", pp 156‑173 ( orig available online: MightyWords 2000 )
ISBN: 1588955885; eBook; MightyWords (Aug 2001)
ISBN: 0736657118; Audio cassette; Books on Tape, unabridged (Aug 2001)
ISBN: 076530029X; Hardcover; Forge Books (Oct 2001)
ISBN: 0765301016; Trade pbk; Forge Books (Oct 2001)
ASIN: B0058U6Z8S; Kindle, Forge Books 1334 KB (Oct 2001)
ISBN: 0312702418; Nook, Tom Doherty 878 KB (Oct 2001)
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine,
April 2001, Vol.117 No.4
"MOTORMOUTH", pp 60‑61
"Hey, long time! How you been, okay?..."
• 2000 •
(written for Otto Penzler, who gifted a bound copy to clients of his Mysterious Bookshop)
"THE GRIFT OF THE MAGI", 17 pgs; Softbound (5‑3/8 x 7‑13/16), stapled; 2000
Library of Congress Catalog Record
"Everybody in the book collecting world knew what Otto Penzler wanted for Christmas..."
The Shamus Game (The Private Eye Writers of America Presents), ed. Robert J. Randisi
ISBN: 0451201299; Mass Market pbk; Signet, (Sept 2000)
"Golden sun, azure sea. Balmy breezes and the scent of hibiscus..."
e-book; Mightywords.com, (Sept 2000)
"I haunted the Maine coast that year as summer turned to fall, a restless ghost too real, footsteps too heavy on the wet, sinking sand, shape too solid moving through the fog..."
Criminal Records, ed. Otto Penzler
"A TALE ABOUT A TIGER", pp 325‑354 ( orig pub: Sounds Like Murder, Vol VI, 1998 )
ISBN: 0752821709; Hardcover (announced, not seen?); Orion (April 2000)
ISBN: 0752821717; Trade pbk; Orion (April 2000)
Crème de La Crime, ed. Janet Hutchings
"HOOPS", pp 150‑177 ( orig pub: EQMM, 1996 )
ISBN: 0786707380; Hardcover; Carroll & Graf (April 2000)
• 1999 •
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine,
May 1999, Vol.113 No.5
"The rain that stung Sloan's face was almost ice..."
Crime After Crime, ed. Joan Hess, Martin H. Greenberg & Ed Gorman
"HOOPS", pp 197‑232 ( orig pub: EQMM, 1996 )
ISBN: 0312967403; Mass Market pbk; St. Martin's (Feb 1999)
• 1998 •
Canine Crimes, presented by Jeffrey Marks
"COOKING THE HOUNDS", pp 145‑154
ISBN: 0345424115; Mass Market pbk; Ballantine Books (Nov 1998)
"Turner rapped the glass on the damn bar for what, the third time?..."
Sounds Like Murder, Vol VI, ed. Otto Penzler
ISBN: 0375402063; Audio Cassette; Random House Audio, unabridged (May 1998)
ISBN: 051746053X; Hardcover; Random House Value Publishing (July 1999)
"It happened in the Warring States Period..."
Lethal Ladies II, ed. Christine Matthews & Robert J. Randisi
"PROSPERITY RESTAURANT", pp 117‑148 ( orig pub: 4th Woman Sleuth Anth, Sept 1991 )
ISBN: 0425162680; Mass Market pbk; Berkley (April 1998)
• 1997 •
The Best American Mystery Stories 1997, ed. Robert B. Parker & Otto Penzler
"HOOPS", pp 261‑290 ( orig pub: EQMM, 1996 )
ISBN: 0395835844; Hardcover; Houghton Mifflin (Oct 1997)
ISBN: 0395835836; Trade pbk; Houghton Mifflin (Nov 1997)
The Year's 25 Finest Crime & Mystery Stories; Sixth Annual Ed, ed. Joan Hess, Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg
"HOOPS", pp 247‑272 ( orig pub: EQMM, 1996 )
ISBN: 0786704950; Hardcover; Carroll & Graf (Oct 1997)
Vengeance Is Hers, ed. Mickey Spillane & Max Allen Collins
"SUBWAY", pp 225‑252
ISBN: 0451191986; Mass Market pbk; Signet (May 1997)
"I got involved in the subway rapist case totally by accident..."
• 1996 •
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine,
January 1996, Vol.107 No.1
"HOOPS", pp 40‑68
"A cold wind was pulling sharp waves from the Hudson as I drove north, out of town..."
Lethal Ladies, ed. Barbara Collins & Robert J. Randisi
"ONCE BURNED", pp 229‑251 ( orig pub: PI Magazine, Winter 1991 )
ISBN: 0425151417; Mass Market pbk; Berkley (Jan 1996)
ISBN: 0886464811; Audio Cassette; DH Audio, unabridged (Sept 1998)
• 1994 •
Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine,
Mid-December 1994, Vol.39 No.13
"BIRDS OF PARADISE", pp 142‑154
"The sky was dazzlingly blue, the air was shirt‑sleeve warm for the first time this season, and as I drove up the highway beside the Hudson I could see two hawks circling a distant hill...."
Women of Mystery II, ed. Cynthia Manson
"BODY ENGLISH", pp 111‑132 ( orig pub: AHMM, Dec 1992 )
ISBN: 0786701404; Hardcover; Carroll & Graf Pub; (Sept 1994)
ISBN: 0425150542; Mass Market pbk; Berkley (Nov 1995)
ISBN: 078581485X; Hardcover; Castle Books (April 2002)
Deadly Allies II, ed. Robert J. Randisi & Susan Dunlap
"FILM AT ELEVEN", pp 202‑229
ISBN: 038542468X; Hardcover; Doubleday (April 1994)
ISBN: 1561005592; Audio Cassette; Bookcassette, unabridged (May 1994)
ISBN: 0553563173; Mass Market pbk; Crimeline (Mar 1995)
"I had followed the case long before I became a part of it because the dead woman was Chinese..."
• 1992 •
Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine,
December 1992, Vol.37 No.12
"BODY ENGLISH", pp 24‑41
"It was the first case I took that I didn't want..."
P.I. Magazine *,
Spring 1992, Vol.5 No.1
"HOT NUMBERS", pp 16‑23
"New York was brutally hot that summer, heat that softened asphalt and wilted street trees and lasted right through..."
• 1991 •
The Fourth Woman Sleuth Anthology, ed. Irene Zahava
ISBN: 0895945215; Trade pbk; Crossing Press (Sept 1991)
ISBN: 0895945223; Hardcover; Crossing Press (Sept 1991)
"The man I'd killed was still haunting me when the new case began..."
P.I. Magazine *,
Winter 1991, Vol.4 No.1
"ONCE BURNED", pp 18‑26
"A searing pain spiked my side the same moment I heard her voice..."
• 1990 •
P.I. Magazine *,
Winter 1990, Vol.3 No.1
"HEARTBREAK", pp 16‑21
"I had just ordered my second Rolling Rock when the door to the Westway Diner opened, letting in a gust of cold air, the sound of splattering rain, and..."

• • •

* P.I. Magazine no longer prints fiction.
Ms. Rozan's post about P.I. Magazine's first publisher.